What's New In The French Section?

The Fan

The French community is quite active, and a lot of new material has been published, for which I didn't find the time (or courage) to provide an English translation. Please find below a list of Cry Havoc stuff which is available only in French at this time. I will undertake the translation should I get a strong feedback from you to do so.
The Extensions
The Fortified Bridge This new extension was designed by Viktor of Drakar. It displays a bridge to be used between 2 VIKINGS maps, with a toll gate and drawbridge. 4 scenarios have been written so far.
The Canary Islands (Les Isles Fortunées) This extension was created by Vox Populi & Reanonyme (2 brothers actually). It depicts the invasion of the Canary Islands (West of Portugal) by a group of French knights in the late 14th century. This is the opportunity to fight natives armed with simple axes and javelins. Great counter mods by the authors, and a new map of a coastal wooden fort.
Khûzdûl Jo@rloc has created an army of Dwarves based on graphics from Pierre Milko. The set of rules to play them is quite impressive.
Rus! Vox Populi & Reanonyme have completed an extension about Russian & Steppic hords in the 10th/12th centuries, based on VIKINGS & CROISADES modified characters. The result is fairly enthusiastic!
Hallali Do you feel like hunting boars, deers or even bison? Viktor Drakkar has generated several counters of wild animals for you to chase them. 3 scenarios exist so far.
Scenario Betatest Program Most scenarios that were created for the extensions had never been playtested. Using Vassal for the most part, players have been registered to test scenarios, giving their feedback about balance, playability and fun. Based on these inputs, scenarios are being modified to be more enjoyable.
Casus Belli Most scenarios published in this French wargame magazine of the 80's & 90's are on line. Translations by Bob Gingell can be found on Cryhavocgames.net.
Journal du Stratège Most scenarios published in this French wargame magazine of the 80's & 90's are on line. Translations by Bob Gingell can be found on Cryhavocgames.net.
Graal Most scenarios published in this French wargame magazine of the 80's & 90's are on line. Translations by Bob Gingell can be found on Cryhavocgames.net.
Other maps The following maps come with a set of rules and/or scenarios that have not been translated so far: The Bastide & the (revised) Albigensian Crusade.
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